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Facts about coke
Coke is used as a reducing agent in blast furnace to smelt iron ore. The carbon monoxide produced by cokes combustion reduces iron oxides in the production of the iron product.
High heating power
Gross calorific value of coke can be higher up to 30% compared to coal.
Ecological fuel
Coke is solid smokeless fuel with low level of emissions and dustiness
Green gas
Coke oven gas produced during metallurgical coal carbonization contains more than 50% of hydrogen.
Valued by-products
Except metallurgical coke and coke oven gas, classical slot oven coke plants produce a lot of valuable by-products like tar, benzene and sulphur compounds that are valuable for chemical industry.
News and information
Photos from the 38th International Cokemaking Conference have been added...
38th International Cokemaking Conference Invitation (link to PDF)
38th International Cokemaking Conference The 38th International Cokemaking Conference will...