Membership fees of natural persons for 2020
- Home / Information / Membership fees of natural persons for 2020
Dear colleagues,
According to the Czech cokemaking society rules, I would like to ask you for a membership fee for 2020 at the same extent as in the past. Membership fee is a confirmation of your persisting interest of CKS membership. The amount of 200,- CZK (pensioners 50,- CZK) can be paid by one of following options:
1) By amount brought to CSOB bank, account no. 373536043, bank code 0300; (please make a recipient message with your full name for clear identification);
2) Personally at the beginning of technical seminar on March 4;
3) Personally to Ms. Paszova;
4) by another way after consultation with me;
The term of payment is March 31, 2020.
Ing. Pavel Baran
Vice-president ČKS